Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. At HurryTimer, we have a few fundamental principles that we fellow:

HurryTimer (“HurryTimer”, or the “Service”) is both a WordPress plugin and website aimed at helping business owners to increase sales and engagements. HurryTimer is owned and operated by Nabil Lemsieh Auto-Entrepreneur – TAX N° 29482327 (“HurryTimer”, “we” or “us”). As a customer of the service, you’re a “Member” according to this agreement (or “You”).

How does HurryTimer collect your personal data?

HurryTimer website collect personal data in two ways:

First-party and third-party cookies

Cookies are small text files stored on your device. HurryTimer uses first-party cookies, which allow it to identify you when you use the website. HurryTimer allows third-parties to place cookies. These third-party cookies are used for HurryTimer’s services and marketing services.

What third-party services have access to your data?

The website uses several third-party services that act in order to provide you with license purchase, access, advertising, social sharing, and other services.

The following third-parties have limited access to some of your personal data.

How can you review your data or delete it?

In order to review your stored data or delete it, you can send us an email at